Liver Resection​

Liver Resection

A liver resection is the surgical removal of all or a portion of the liver. It is also referred to as a hepatectomy, full or partial. A complete liver resection is performed in the setting of a transplant a diseased liver is removed from a deceased donor (cadaver). A living donor may also provide a piece of liver tissue which is procured through a partial hepatectomy, The procedure may be performed through a traditional open procedure or using minimally invasive techniques.

When is Liver Resection Performed

Most hepatectomies are performed for the treatment of hepatic neoplasms, both benign or malignant. Benign neoplasms include hepatocellular adenoma, hepatic hemangioma and focal nodular hyperplasia.The most common malignant neoplasms (cancers) of the liver are metastases; those arising from colorectal cancer are among the most common, and the most amenable to surgical resection. The most common primary malignant tumour of the liver is the hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatectomy may also be the procedure of choice to treat intrahepatic gallstones or parasitic cysts of the liver. Liver surgery is safe when performed by experienced surgeons with appropriate technological and institutional support. As with most major surgical procedures, there is a marked tendency towards optimal results at the hands of surgeons with high caseloads in selected centres (typically cancer academic medical centers and transplantation centers).

Pancreatic surgery

Pancreatic surgery is a highly specialized and complex surgery used to remove pancreatic tumors either cancer or begin tumors and cysts. Whipple`s operation id the most common procedure done as tumors of the head of pancreas constitute more than 70% of all pancreatic tumors .Good results can be achived by well experienced surgical , anesthesia and ICU teams. Dr Ahmed has excellent results with suceess rate more than 90% and complications rate less than 8 %.

What other types of surgical procedures are used to treat pancreas problems?

Other types of surgical procedures performed on the pancreas include:
Distal pancreatectomy, often laparoscopic, to remove tumors on the body or tail of the pancreas

Distal pancreatectomy

often laparoscopic, to remove tumors on the body or tail of the pancreas Total pancreatectomy, though this procedure is rare Gall bladder and bile duct surgery Gall bladder surgery: done for gall balder stones and gall bladder inflammation. Removal o the gall bladder usually done through laparoscope in which 3-4 small openings done to remove the gall bladder.

Bile duct surgery:

The bile duct is the tube which carries the bile from the liver to the intestine.Any obstruction will leads to jaundice which is the yellowish discoloration of the skin and sclera.

obstruction can be from:


stricture: which is benign narrowing usually a complication of gall bladder removal

cancer: either from the pancreas or the bile duct itself

surgical treatment usually depends on the cause,

The stones it can be removed through ERCP or through laparoscope.

For stricture, a new connection with the bowel usually established

For cancer, either whipple`s surgery of removal of a part of the liver with removal of the bile duct usually done

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